Our world is continuously changing, especially in the world of healthcare. Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative is committed to implementing community initiatives that address social changes, local trends and barriers to healthcare access. Through the development of these initiatives, we coordinate resources and affect change in our community.
The Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative (TBHC) is working towards significant systems and public policy change around oral health through the “Achieving Oral Health Equity in Tampa Bay (AOHE) Initiative”…MORE
Thanks to a grant awarded by the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg, the Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative is expanding the Cultural & Linguistic Competency Initiative (CLCI)… MORE
Journey to Unlock Management Potential (JUMP) Capacity Building Initiative – twelve month program that empowers nonprofits and helps them build their agency’s capacity to sustain their mission-driven work…MORE
For more information on these initiatives, check out the inidivudual initiative pages or contact Dr. Sheron Brown, Executive Director.
Past Initiatives
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
From 2005 to 2010, TBHC offered a series of Disaster Preparedness trainings designed to help local nonprofits and healthcare service providers become better prepared to weather any storm – natural, economic or otherwise.